Tuesday, May 26, 2009

One day I'll come back if the door's still open


I finally filled my spring wardrobe holes (sandals, shorts, a summer dress, and a summer jacket). My mom was really kind and gave me the same budget that she gave my brothers (even though I should be able to afford my own clothes at this age...not having an income hurts!). I found some really cute clothes I'll post pictures of it I can muster the energy. :) Forever 21, you are still my crack.

How was your Memorial Day weekend? Mine was great -- I went to central Oregon with my family and had a flashback Nourigat family vacation a la 1995. We swam, fished, rode bikes, visited family, sunbathed, hot tubbed under the stars, and had a few lazy, outdoorsy days together. I had to stay in the notorious 'Spider Room', which my brother Nick and I trade off on each vacation. It has never reclaimed its former glory since one winter vacation, when we arrived at the house to find that a spider had hatched its eggs in the room since our last trip. There were fast, black spiders everywhere. Ick! Though I'm pretty sure there was only one in the room this weekend, I had the unfortunate experience of it dropping from the ceiling onto my shoulder. x___x Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Damn Spider Room...

I am still working hard on school and art. I have less than 2 weeks of school remaining, then final tests, putting me home mid-June. With only 13 credits, this term has been a guilty pleasure. I enjoy all of my classes, and have no excuse to not do my homework. I'm 'that nerd' in my Japanese lit class this term. Seriously. Last week, while our teacher was talking to someone else, a classmate turned to me and a few neighbors and laughed sarcastically, "I love this class. No, really, this is my favorite class." In my head, I was like, "I...I actually look forward to this class all week..." xD Wednesdays are hard because I know I have 6 days left until it meets again!

On the art front, I have a long to-do list of maintenance on existing projects and a (possibly longer?) list of new projects. I have a couple of minicomics I'd like to do for the Portland Zine Symposium in July, an anthology story, a fun/experimental project, and possibly another story for freelance (which will take precedence if it materializes). There's my watercolor project and my thesis comic for next year, too. Time passes so quickly -- I really have to jump on these things before I find myself with a full summer schedule! Oddly, I think that these last school weeks might be more relaxed than my summer will be. :P Must draw while I still have access to nice scanners and printers!!!

Another big thing still on my mind is summer work. There is yardwork, paperwork, and house fixup for my generous dad, and there may still be hope for a 9-5 job, but I would love to make a profit from art this summer. We'll have to see whether or not I can a) make enough good new stuff and b) find a market for it.

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